Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function
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A computer is made up of many different components. Each part has a specific function. Whether you need to replace a part, are thinking about building a computer, or just looking for some additional information, it's important to understand the basic computer parts and what they do.
Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BETRvByC
A Mid-tower computer case
The case is the part of your computer that holds all the other parts. Some common types of computer cases are: full-tower, mid-tower, mini-tower, and laptop. If you have a desktop computer, you are likely using a mid-tower; if you are using a notebook computer, you have a laptop case. Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BETgKC1T
Top 5 To Try
- A Gigabit brand motherboardThe motherboard is the part of your computer that wires all of the other parts together. Every component of your computer, from the DVD burner to the CPU, will connect directly into the motherboard. Motherboard specs are typically designed around which processor (CPU) the computer uses. For example, if your computer uses an Intel processor, you will need an Intel compatible motherboard.
Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BETo2hQV
Processor (CPU)
An Intel Processor
The processor, or CPU, of a computer is basically the brains of the computer. The processor is responsible for interpreting every code it receives from the other computer components, and making it usable to your operating system. Some common types of processors are Intel Core 2 Duo and AMD Phenom. A processor's speed will often determine the overall speed of your computer.
Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BEUSIKSR
Hard Drive
A Western Digital Hard Drive
Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BEUYGLKw
Video Cards (Graphic Cards)
RAM (Memory)
Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BEVNTprz
Typical Desktop RAM module
Optical Drive
The last main part of a computer is the optical drive. An optical drive is many times the drive you would use to burn CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs and more. Optical drives can be either slot loading, or tray loading and come in many different configurations. Optical drives connect directly to the motherboard of the computer.
Read more: Different Parts of the Computer and Their Function | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5349606_different-parts-computer-function.html#ixzz1BEVh6Qie
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